Christina Greenaway, Canada

Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
McGill University

Dr. Christina Greenaway is a Professor of Medicine at McGill University, a Member of the Divisions of Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Medicine at the Jewish General Hospital, Principal Investigator at the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies of the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research and staff physician at the JD Maclean Tropical Medicine Center at McGill. She is an infectious disease physician and clinician researcher.  She practices infectious diseases at the Jewish General Hospital, a busy acute care hospital that serves a diverse multicultural population. Her clinical practice focuses on post travel illnesses and tropical medicine, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and parasitic infections.  Her research program has focused on identifying and addressing the infectious disease health disparities among migrants. The overall objective of her research program is to promote the health of the migrant population and decrease their health disparities.   To achieve this, she has conducted observational studies, retrospective cohort studies with large linked administrative datasets, systematic reviews, economic analyses and have developed screening and clinical guidelines for migrants in Canada and Europe.  Her studies have shown that immigrants have an increased burden due to chronic hepatitis B and C and that it is cost effective to screen for these infections.



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